AbunDANCE: A guided Tea Meditation + Movement Session
Facilitated by Carmen from Duality Heartwork and Eliza Mariposx Healing
A guided tea meditation + movement session with cinnamon for BIPOC to connect with your inner warmth, fire + passion.
Facilitated by Carmen from Duality Heartwork and Eliza Mariposx Healing.
We will connect to the medicine of cinnamon by drinking a tea and meditating with it. We will then express ourselves through movement and connect to our inner fire.
December 2, 2023
You Belong Here | 3619 El Cajon Blvd | San Diego, Ca 92103
$15-$30 Sliding Scale. Scholarships Available for Queer and Trans people.
Email us at mariposxhealing@gmail.com or dualityheartwork@gmail.com to inquire about a scholarship.
Please wear something comfortable you can move in and bring anything that feels supportive to you like a mat or cozy blanket.
The space is wheelchair accessible.